newsletter J.M. Purvis newsletter J.M. Purvis


Confusion is coming, a massive, nationwide sense of it. Buy Greenland? Seize the Panama Canal? Deport millions of illegal immigrants, all at once? Crazy? A bluff? Simple diversion? Nobody knows, and that’s the point: uncertainty. The same with the ever expanding conspiracy theories and the wild allegations. If nothing is true, then nothing is false, and this is just the beginning. Once Trump is sworn in, we are headed into a period of chaos and confusion that will veer at times towards anarchy. This is Trump 2.0. This is Trump, the Victory Tour. More and more, nobody will know what to believe. And it isn’t just Trump. The equally erratic people that surround him will continue to push their equally erratic agendas as well. Piled on top will be the huge, well-financed, Right-wing media campaign, pushing out competing versions of reality.

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newsletter J.M. Purvis newsletter J.M. Purvis


Does the Democratic Party need an identity that unites and inspires every single Democrat in this country? Do we need an identity that creates an emotional connection to the vast sea of unaffiliated and disaffected Americans out there?

That is the question we should have been asking for the past twenty years, because clearly, we don’t have one now. Not only have we failed to connect with growing numbers of American voters, we have endlessly fractured ourselves. Our failure to understand the importance of this basic, emotional principle of identity has left us so divided we attack ourselves as easily as the enemy, and the Big Tent has been torn to shreds in the process.

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new year’s resolutions
newsletter J.M. Purvis newsletter J.M. Purvis

new year’s resolutions

A New Year is upon us … and what a year! Most of us are still in shock, and January 21st hasn’t even happened yet! Well, ready or not, a staggering amount is about to befall us. It’s going to be a year with literally no precedent, so here are some New Year’s Resolutions to start you off with a shred of sanity.

Resolved and Invest in Democracy!

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Merry christmas
newsletter J.M. Purvis newsletter J.M. Purvis

Merry christmas

It’s the holiday season, and time to give gifts. So, as we approach the wonder of January 21st, our gift to you is a list of questions! Here are some things to mull over over the mulled wine. Enjoy!

  • Why are you a Democrat?

  • What is the Purpose of the Democratic Party? Do we exist just to win elections, or is it something more?

  • Does the Democratic Party have a soul?

  • What divides us?

  • What unifies us?

  • How important is our identity?

  • How important is it to have a common identity that unifies and inspires all Democrats, everywhere, an identity that provides an emotional connection with unaffiliated and fed-up voters?

  • Is it time to act?

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The B-word
newsletter J.M. Purvis newsletter J.M. Purvis

The B-word

Branding as a way to fix our problems is a dangerous idea. Focusing on branding is fine if you want to go back to where we were in 2020. Branding alone is fine is you’re content with where we’ve been for decades, trading power back and forth as the public becomes more and more cynical. But if we want to actually fix things, if we want to go forward to a place where MAGA doesn’t exist, then focusing on “branding” is truly dangerous. It confuses things, because our real problem is identity.

Identity is what an organization actually is. You can’t create it [or recreate it], identity just is. And people know. If your identity is strong, people recognize it. If it’s strong enough, then that identity becomes a brand all by itself. If your identity is fractured or tired, people recognize that too. They move away from it, and all the branding in the world won’t fix it.

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winter is coming
newsletter J.M. Purvis newsletter J.M. Purvis

winter is coming

Of course, if you’re a rural county party, winter has been coming for a very long time. It’s been darkening the horizon, and you’ve been crying out. You’ve been pointing frantically at the impending storm, at  the growing dangers, but nobody would listen ... not the state party, not the national party, not anyone with real power. And so, Donald Trump is President once again, and the American Winter begins on January 21st.

All through all this slow-motion disaster, the Establishment has looked at you as the problem. You’ve been seen as an obstacle in the way, something to be written off. But the truth is, you’re the answer. You. Rural counties. All 2551 of you, 81% of all the counties in America.  You are how we fix this once and for all, permanently. The way forward for this country runs straight through you, and here’s why.

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newsletter J.M. Purvis newsletter J.M. Purvis


Don’t you want to hold up something that’s just true? Don’t you want to hand unaffiliated voters  something that’s so simple, so straightforward, and so true that even the most skeptical have to agree? Imagine discussing something that not only makes you proud, something so universal it inspires that unaffiliated voter, yet fits perfectly with every bit of our Presidential campaign messaging?

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JD Vance, eating kittens, and 2025
newsletter J.M. Purvis newsletter J.M. Purvis

JD Vance, eating kittens, and 2025

We have to win on November 5th. Period. And we need to spread the inspiring Harris campaign message as far and wide as possible. But if those political slogans remain slogans, if the words are seen as political messaging, then no matter what happens on November 5th, decisive change .. putting Vance and MAGA and everything they represent back into the box … will not happen. That change we so desperately want depends on building permanent support among the thousands of unaffiliated and disaffected voters in your county … a permanent change in attitude. And this permanent change depends on what happens after the election.

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j.d. vance
newsletter J.M. Purvis newsletter J.M. Purvis

j.d. vance

Why does J.D. Vance exist? How has he become a symbol of modern Ohio?

Why are women’s rights under assault all across the state? Why has gerrymandering been authorized by the Ohio Supreme Court? Why are Democrats under attack in rural counties, fearful of even saying they’re Democrats? Why is democracy as we know it under threat in a state that was once a true bellwether for America?

Identity. It’s that simple. The identity of the Democratic Party that FDR founded, the identity that  lifted us out of the Great Depression and united so much of this country … rural and big city alike … has been lost, and nowhere more than in rural Ohio. That emotional identity was at the center of everything Roosevelt achieved. That core sense of who we are carried us through decades of incredible difficulty. It launched us forward towards enormous social progress, the very things we relish today.

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Latest developments
newsletter J.M. Purvis newsletter J.M. Purvis

Latest developments

The holiday weekend, coming on top of our presence at the Democratic National Convention, has made this an incredibly busy time for everyone. There have been more county adoptions, the push to get Campaigning with Values and Vision out, and following up on all the DNC developments. Much of the news will have to wait for next week, but below are some tidbits.

Hope all of you had a great Labor Day weekend, and are energized for the crucial weeks ahead.

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newsletter J.M. Purvis newsletter J.M. Purvis


Yes! Democrats 101 is present at the Democratic National Convention. Look for our new a just society .. as long as it takes bracelets on delegates’ wrists, and the Freedom, Justice, and Opportunity cards and definitions being passed around. We are truly thrilled that the Harris campaign has taken up the cry of Freedom, Justice, and Opportunity. Those three words are Democrats in a nutshell. They are what it means to be a true American.

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yes, hope
newsletter J.M. Purvis newsletter J.M. Purvis

yes, hope

“Turmoil” is one word for the past few weeks. “Fractured” is another. “Despondent and helpless” is how many of us have been left to feel. A major turning point for this party and this country is at hand, and we .. the grassroots .. are powerless to decide what happens.

But there is opportunity in this as well, for us. The current crisis has laid bare the real issues we face. There is no more pretense about this being traditional politics. Winning is no longer about our candidate, and in truth it never has been. Long before the current crisis, we all came to accept that November 5th was about stopping Trump. The candidate became irrelevant other than as a vehicle to achieve it. Do you remember Obama and the emotions of “Yes, we can!”? The feelings of hope? That sort of thing has become a distant memory, lost in everything that has come into play. There is no Obama to excite us today, and there isn’t going to be. That leaves us pushing a negative as our entire campaign, possibly two negatives, and each and every one of us knows that’s a hard sell.

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the real meaning of the 4th of july
newsletter J.M. Purvis newsletter J.M. Purvis

the real meaning of the 4th of july

“Stunned” is what we all felt last Thursday, every Democrat in this country who cares .. stunned and demoralized because something much bigger than politics is clearly at stake. As the grassroots, we cannot control what the power figures in Washington are going to do, or those in the state capitol. But identity is one thing we can control. The demand for a resurrected Democratic Party identity based on core values and vision .. values we all believe in, basic beliefs that give us purpose and meaning .. that is very much in our power. That is in your power.

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A message from Scioto County, Ohio (Part 2)
newsletter J.M. Purvis newsletter J.M. Purvis

A message from Scioto County, Ohio (Part 2)

The values that define the Democratic Party are not just political positions; they are the bedrock of American ideals. At our core, Democrats believe that all people are created equal—this is America’s fundamental principle, deeply embedded in our nation’s history and enshrined in our founding documents.

From the stirring words of the Declaration of Independence to the profound promises of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the narrative of American democracy has been one of relentless pursuit of freedom, justice, and opportunity for all. These documents do not merely outline a system of governance but call for a society that uplifts and provides for every individual, affirming that true democracy is by the people and for the people.

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Forward and Backward
newsletter, opinion Christie Tobey newsletter, opinion Christie Tobey

Forward and Backward

Ten years ago, I would never have considered myself a hateful person. I would have described myself as decent, kind, openminded, carefree, and happy.

The last 10 years have changed me into someone I almost don’t recognize. Like many of us, I’m not afraid to say that I hate what this country has become.

I hate Donald Trump and everything in the MAGA movement.

I hate that there are family members I can’t and don’t talk to anymore.

I hate being fearful for my grandchildren’s future.

I hate that my rights as a woman are being stripped... AGAIN.

I hate being suspicious of everyone I meet.

After being faced with 3 men on a street corner wielding AK 15s during a peaceful protest on Women’s Right to Choose, I hate that I am scared to participate in protests any longer.

Who is this hate filled and foreign person in my body? Where did I go and what can I do?

Recently a glimmer of light has started to flicker. A way back to common decency and shared goals and values. Democrats 101 has spoken to me, to my heart. An easy or quick fix? No. But a way forward? YES. A starting point.

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newsletter Joanne Cromley newsletter Joanne Cromley


Cheboygan and the surrounding area have seen great boom times, as well as downturns since the start of the lumbering community in 1844. Along with lumberjacks and sawmill crews, immigrants came from Canada, Poland, and Sweden. They were bankers, teachers, doctors, shopkeepers, and farmers. The population explosion created a great demand for increased manufacturing and commerce. Boom and bust cycles continued through the 1900s.

In 2015, the City of Cheboygan and the entire county had been experiencing an economic downward slide. The hospital had closed. The once-flourishing, nationally branded paper plant closed and was reorganized in a much-diminished way. Several businesses had closed recently on Main Street, leaving 27 vacant storefronts in a four-block stretch. There was debris on the sidewalks, along with many cracks. Streets and roads were cracked and potholed, having a look of overall decay.

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newsletter Dan McNeil newsletter Dan McNeil


November 8, 2016…a turning point in American Democracy. Surely, all of us remember the shock and horror of the election of Donald Trump.

Immediately thereafter, that surprising development motivated a group of Michigan Democratic Party County leaders to brainstorm and organize a new approach to confront the dangers they recognized in this depressing turn of the political landscape in America.

That approach was to build a coalition of County Democratic Parties in Northern Michigan, to collaborate to build our strength as a unified whole against the dangers of a Trump Presidency.

Originally, this group consisted of County Democratic Parties in one State House District in a predominately rural area. In 2023 this coalition expanded to 3 Northern State House Districts that now includes 14 County Democratic Parties.

We believe this is a model of collaboration that all County Democratic Parties nationally (especially rural counties) can endorse and embrace.

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newsletter J.M. Purvis newsletter J.M. Purvis


They are at the gate. They’re at the side door, too, and the back door, and crawling through the basement windows. They’re everywhere, because the Barbarians aren’t really a person, they’re an idea: that social progress can be turned around, that history can be undone, that if you close your eyes tight enough, you can make it 1950 again.

Yes, Donald Trump is real. And so is the threat of another Trump Presidency. And, yes, we have to do everything in our power to defeat it, every bit of campaigning, every attack ad we can think of. But if defeating him in November is all we do, then we’re going to be left standing right where we were in the aftermath of 2020, the same place we’ve been for the past twenty years: stuck in the mud, looking at an endless struggle to win 51%.

The Barbarians have a message. They have a powerful message, and it’s about more than Donald Trump. It's a clever message that allows you to believe whatever you want as long as you close your eyes and join in. It’s powerful because it’s simple, it’s universal (for them), and it’s emotional.

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how we changed the vote
newsletter Karen Prelipp newsletter Karen Prelipp

how we changed the vote

There are 35,000 registered voters in Huron County, Ohio. 20,000 are unaffiliated, and it’s getting worse. Vitriol .. the constant barrage of phone calls and texts and direct mail that filled 2020 .. drove away more than 3,000 of those Democrats, right into the ranks of the unaffiliated.

And then there’s 2023. Democrats comprise just 9.4% of the registered voters, yet last November, 44% of all registered voters in the county voted Yes for Issue One, Ohio’s protection for Reproductive Rights. That happened because everyone worked together, tirelessly. But most of all, this victory happened because the special election was about basic rights, about the kind of core values that are held by most Americans, the kind they recognize and care deeply about.

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One If by land, two if by sea
newsletter J.M. Purvis newsletter J.M. Purvis

One If by land, two if by sea

The British aren’t coming this time, but something else is. It’s dark, and it’s dangerous, and it’s definitely out there.

Hope is still leading the race .. the recent votes in Ohio and Kansas demonstrate it clearly .. but Fear, and Confusion, and Hate are right behind, spreading their wings, and their tentacles. But this isn’t a race between us and MAGA, that’s what we desperately have to realize. This is a race between us and ourselves. Are we going to focus on what’s ahead, on the bright light that is our country’s future? Are we going to seize this pivotal moment in American history, when the very direction of our national soul is at stake? Are we going to become the champions of hope? Is our mission going to be setting this country firmly on the road to a just society? Or are we going to remain obsessed with the dark shape that lies behind, the one that always seems to be gaining on us? Are we going to be lost into endlessly defending?

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