The resources found on this page come from Democrats 101 as well as some of our partners. The source is indicated for each item. Unless otherwise mentioned, these can be downloaded (click on the name of the file) and reproduced for free by entities or individuals who support the mission of Democrats 101.

We ask that you inform the organization who created the graphic when you use any of their material (click on the name of the organization)


The Creed (half a page) by PlainWords Press. Can be printed on regular paper

The Creed (small-3.5x4.5) by Dems101. Can be printed on regular paper

One pager with the Creed on one side & Freedom, Justice and Opportunity on the other Dems101

What is a democrat? and the Creed by Dems101. Your organization can be added in the space at the bottom of the card.

Beliefs: Freedom, Opportunity and Justice by Dems101. Only the Opportunity sample is shown here. You can add the logo or information about your organization in the space at the bottom of the card.


Bookmark for Democrats 101 by PlainWords Press

Two option of folding cards (vertical and horizontal) with The Democratic Creed (Dems101 used UPrinting) are available (only one shown).

Order info: 4" x 3.5" (folds to 2" x 3.5") Folded Business Cards - Size: 4" x 3.5" (folds to 2" x 3.5") - Printed Side: Outside and Inside -Paper Type: 14 pt. Cardstock Matte - Scoring: Half Fold (scored only) 


Six posters by Huron County Democrats (OHIO) about values: created equal, Democratic Republic, Freedom/Justice/Opportunity, Duty of Government, Purpose of Government and Fighting for Ideals

You can obtain the work files to customize them with the name of your organization by emailing Huron County Democrats.