Why we need a Democratic Creed
We need to stand for something. Our identity needs to be bigger than the next election, bigger than policy, bigger than all the events crashing around us. As Democrats, we need to stand for something so basic and so true that it inspires each and every one of us, something that unites and gives meaning to everything we do.
We have existed too long as a machine to win the next election. Of course we need to win the next election. We need to win the next ten elections, and we have to work our butts off to do it. And that's exactly why we need purpose, and vision. It's why we need to inspire. A party official recently said, “We need to find another Obama to inspire us.” No, we need our party to inspire us. We need to inspire us.

MOVING UP in the U.P.
Democrats 101 author J.M. Purvis was the first person the Democratic organizers thought of as they planned their first annual Rural Summit in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, April 14th and 15th. Purvis opened the conference in front of 140 Democrats from rural counties across Michigan. See Jim’s opening remarks here.
The summit was the brainchild of the Rural Caucus of the Michigan Democratic Party, chaired by Cathy Albro. Special thanks to the Chippewa County Democratic Party for purchasing 140 copies of Democrats 101 so every attendee would have the book. We made additional copies available at our information table in the conference lobby, and several Democrats made donations to help us cover the costs (Thank you!!)

The latest from OH, PA and CA!
CALIFORNIA: Author J.M. Purvis delivered our ideas to a joint meeting of Indivisible Napa County and Indivisible Sonoma County. These folks are sensational.
Over in in Bear Valley, the Bear Valley Democratic Club has embraced the Creed and the book, and is moving to spread the message. Dems101 will be presenting to the membership on March 2nd.
PENNSYLVANIA: At the recent statewide PennAG meeting, Former Rural Caucus Director Terry Noble was honored and spoke up loud and clear: “Democrats 101 brings into focus opportunities not only for the rural issues of our party, but what we as a Commonwealth and Nation currently confront. It is well past time that We Democrats start branding our own identity rather than allowing others to do so…”
OHIO: Ashland County has joined the growing list of counties that officially adopted the Creed.
Presentations and outreach are scheduled in a variety of counties in the coming weeks.